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Beauty Tips With Mable

Posted by Mabel Pang on
Beauty Tips With Mable

I believe a good looking skin can be a gateway for more success in your life, which is why having your skin in good shape is one of the strongest and most important confidence boosters. Have it in bad shape and everything around you will seem to fall apart. 

But sadly, skin is also a constant reminder that you cannot escape aging. As you grow, some changes start happening to your skin, and slowly but surely you start noticing that it’s becoming thinner and less smooth, it starts showing age spots and wrinkles while it loses moisture and elasticity. 
Many factors from daily life can contribute to skin aging effects, such as diet and hydration, lifestyle, physical activity, stress, smoking, not sleeping enough, sun exposure and other hereditary factors… it almost feels like this process is inevitable, but rest assured, because the latest studies have confirmed that there are effective solutions that can largely help delay your skin’s aging process. ( and NO, it’s not plastic surgery!)

"How can you give your skin a second life?"


One of the most common misconceptions is thinking that the only way to treat wrinkles is by doing cosmetic surgery. You do not have to undergo anesthesia, a medical intervention nor a prescription to have a younger-looking skin.
Actually, when it comes to skin-aging, both the problem and the solution come from the same source: Mother nature! 
Experts are constantly fascinated by the amazing ingredients they find in nature and their incredible effects on the skin-aging process. So can you guess what’s the fastest-growing skincare categories in the market today? With no surprise, it’s anti-aging oils! 
From macadamia to jojoba, oils are proven to be our skin’s best friends, containing very powerful agents: fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other hydrating ingredients that can effectively impact the skin’s health by repairing its cells, combating inflammation, reducing free-radical damage, and therefore offering you a younger looking skin.
Research has proven time and again that a topical application of oils is an effective and powerful element of skincare, as a way to compensate the decreasing ability to produce natural oils due to aging. 
Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean that anti-aging products are only meant for the elderly. Evidently, the earlier you start taking care of your skin, the longer it will stay youthful and healthy-looking.
But here is where it gets tricky: not all oils are created equal, nor do they all have the same effects! 
As it’s one of our most popular products, the Aqua Firming Oil is the ultimate anti-aging oil blend in which we combined the most effective ingredients found in nature. 
It acts as a nurturing shield that specifically combats free radicals and harmful environmental aggressions that lead to skin-aging. Not only is the aqua firming oil clinically proven to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, it also keeps your skin smoother-looking, healthy and hydrated. 

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